The Projectionist's head is a projector without the tapes.A realistic projector can be found in Joey Drew's apartment.From the earliest prototype of Chapter 1, the "Hellfire Follies" music plays for the projector in the projection room instead of " You Left Me in a Heartbeat".All the projections in-game have their clips flipped around, except for one of them in on Level 14 depicting the final scene of the video in Chapter 3.The projector reel shares a texture map with the plank.In the throne room, there are 4 projectors around the throne which plays almost every Bendy cartoon and shows the "The End" credits when Henry places the End Reel into the equipment, killing Beast Bendy. It also returns as the head of the Projectionist which gets ripped off by Ink Bendy. Projectors are featured throughout the locations, where they all had malfunctioned. However, his reel holders are shorter than that of regular projectors, meaning he cannot display film. There is also a creature, the Projectionist, who has a projector as his head.

They cannot be turned off or interacted with. Many projectors can be found in an area on Level 14, and they all play clips of " Tombstone Picnic" which loop endlessly. A glitch in the game is that the player can turn the projector on in the recording booth by standing on the chair underneath the projector. The first chapter of Bendy and the Ink Machine takes place in the early days of animation, when ink was used to bring characters to. The projector itself plays a looped clip of " Tombstone Picnic". Seemingly harmless characters make great horror villains, as there are few things scarier than realizing even an adorable cartoon critter can and will come to get you, turning them into the stuff of nightmares. It can only be turned on for 45 seconds, which is barely long enough for the player to solve the music puzzles. The projector from the projection booth is used for solving the music puzzle in order to open Sammy's sanctuary. Another projector automatically turns on from the projector room right before activating the pump control to the Ink Machine as a little Bendy animation shows and the " Bendy Cartoon Music" music plays. There is a projector found in the workroom showing an entirely blank screen along with " Hellfire Follies" faintly playing.

Gameplay Bendy and the Ink Machine Chapter 1: Moving Pictures Some projectors show clips from Bendy Cartoons. However, not all projectors can be interacted with. Projectors can be turned on and off when interacted with by pressing "E".